Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Terminal Markets Complex Scheme to Help Farmers Get Better Prices

         The scheme of Terminal Markets Complex (TMC) has been conceptualized and introduced as a new model under National Horticulture Mission. It is implemented in a Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode in a Hub (Main Market) and Spokes (Collection Centers) format by private enterprise. The project aims at helping the farmers in reaping the benefit through better price realization, reducing wastages and creating opportunities of rural employment in addition to regular supply of agricultural commodities including fruit and vegetables. The Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) has also been promoted by Government which involves private sector and farmers to implement agriculture extension activities.

           This information was given by Shri Harish Rawat, Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries

Sensitization Programme for Kisan Call Centre Agents

      Kisan Call Centres function from 6.00 AM to 10.00 PM on all days throughout the year. They receive calls through the toll-free number 1800-180-1551. Call Centre agents reply farmers’ queries instantaneously by using their own expertise as well as by referring to reference material available with them. They also browse Kisan Knowledge Management System data base for answering farmers’ queries in local language. If some of the queries cannot be answered by the Call Centre agents, such calls are referred to experts. Call Centre agents record the details of every call in terms of farmer’s details, query asked, reply given etc.

     Funds for organising sensitisation programmes for Kisan Call Centre agents are being provided to respective Nodal Agencies. Each Nodal Agency is required to organise 6 programmes of one day duration each in a year involving all the call centre agents as well as the experts. The State Governments have been requested to get directly involved in a big way in implementation of this scheme. Detailed instructions in this regard have been issued.

Communication Support for Agricultural Extension Services

Agriculture Extension Services, Krishi Vigyan Kendras and Kisan Call Centres disseminate farm related information and knowledge amongst the farmers. Information is focussed on prosperity of the farmers and food security of the nation. Adoption of appropriate technologies by farmers is a continuous process involving creation of interest, generation of awareness, dissemination of detailed information, trial by farmers and finally wide-spread use, leading to increase in productivity/ income.

The Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Support to State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms”, popularly known as ATMA Scheme, is under implementation in 603 districts of 28 states and 3 UTs of the country. Under the Scheme, grant-in-aid is released to the State Designated Agency of respective States with an objective to support State Government’s efforts of revitalization of the extension system and making available the latest agricultural technologies in different agro-climatic conditions through various extension activities.

The Krishi Vigyan Kendras established by Indian Council of Agricultural Research aim at assessment, refinement and demonstration of technologies / products. The activities include on-farm testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming system, frontline demonstrations to establish the production potentials of improved agricultural technologies on the farmers’ fields and training of farmers and extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills.

The Kisan Call Centre (KCC) initiative aims at providing information to the farming community through toll-free telephone lines (telephone No. 18001801551). Under this scheme, Call Center facilities have been extended to the farmers in the entire country through 25 call centers located in different States so that farmers can get the required information in their own languages.

This information was given by Shri Harish Rawat, Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries

Reserve Stocks of Foodgrains

The Government has a policy of maintaining minimum stock of foodgrains  in the Central Pool under the buffer stock norms for foodgrains for each quarter of the year  as under:
(in lakh tons)

1st January
1st April
1st July
1st October

The above buffer norms include a food security reserve of 30 lakh tons of wheat and 20 lakh tons of rice.

This information was given by the Minister  of State for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Prof. K.V. Thomas

Production & Availability of Fertilizers in the Country During July 2011

            In July, 2011 estimated production of Urea was 19.71 lakh MT against the target of 19.76 lakh MT. Estimated production of DAP during the month was 3.36 lakh MT.

           During July 2011, approximately 18.91 lakh MT (both indigenous and imported) urea was despatched to various States. Availability of urea during the month of July 2011 was about 30.25 lakh MT and availability was satisfactory in all the States. Further, sale of Urea in the current season upto 31.7.2011 was about 85.76 lakh MT which is higher by 16.5% as compared to the sale of 73.59 lakh MT in the corresponding period of the previous year.

      As regards decontrolled fertilizers, availability of DAP and MOP during the month of July 2011 had been about 13.63 lakh MT and 1.27 lakh MT respectively, which was adequate to meet the demand of the States.

         During the month of July, 4.07 lakh MT of urea was imported of which 1.65 lakh MT was imported from OMIFCO, Oman and 2.42 lakh MT from others. In addition, 10.6 lakh MT of DAP, 0.64 lakh MT of MAP and 3.94 lakh MT of NPK was also imported into the country.

Establishment and Maintenance of Seed Bank

      The Ministry of Agriculture is presently implementing a component on "Establishment and Maintenance of Seed Bank" under the Scheme "Development and Strengthening of Infrastructure Facilities for Production and Distribution of Quality Seeds". The objective of the component is to meet requirement of seeds during natural calamities and unforeseen conditions.

     The Government also provides assistance under various schemes for seed production, distribution, certification, quality control and related components for ensuring timely availability of certified quality seeds.

      This information was given by Shri Harish Rawat, Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries